


桃夏將李麟和姜武錫帶回客棧,老闆娘很不滿,要求桃夏付三個人的住宿費。對趙尚憲一直心存愛慕,老闆娘希望能夠得到回應,然而趙尚憲對老闆娘的態度始終很冷淡,即使這樣,老闆娘也還是願意等。桃夏見姜武錫受傷,拿來紗佈為姜武錫細心包紮好。一旁的李麟看了,也要求桃夏為自己包紮,桃夏提醒他,他才摔壞姜武錫送自己的藥瓶。   王為前幾天酒後鬧事的行為向太妃娘娘道歉,看到王這樣疲憊的眼神,太妃娘娘心疼不已。她拉著王的手,從來沒有被這樣對待的王情緒又激動起來。他問太妃娘娘是否有何企圖,隨後甩袖離去。太妃娘娘的舉動給了王很大的震撼,他開始反思自己的行為。師譚為了讓龍神復甦,欺騙王說城內火氣太旺,需要開城門。王這次並沒有聽師譚的話,他甩了師譚一個耳光,讓他不要再來蒙蔽自己。   王的行為徹底激怒了師譚,為了達到目的,師譚讓手下帶著火鬼的葫蘆來到城內。瞬時間,火光沖天,房屋都被燒毀。桃夏和李麟他們看到城中局勢不妙,連忙趕到火場。朝堂上,王聽說城內著火,房屋被燒毀,他想起師譚的話很驚慌,不顧眾臣的看法,匆匆就離開了朝堂。   李麟跟踪姜武錫,發現他是王派來潛伏在自己身邊的臥底。師譚對城內的破壞仍然在持續,李麟為調查生藥舖的秘密,被壓在火場下。危急關頭,桃夏追踪火鬼至此,救出李麟。為了讓硝石不爆炸,危及全城百姓的安危,她讓李麟帶著硝石離開。   李麟聽從桃夏的話,帶著硝石離開火場,之後立馬返身回去尋找桃夏。桃夏昏迷在火場之內,一直孤苦無依的李麟害怕失去桃夏,驚慌流淚。看到桃夏只是昏迷,李麟將她抱出了火場。聽聞生藥舖著火,王再也坐不住了,他以為是自己沒聽師譚的話造成。他向師譚懺悔,希望能夠得到師譚的幫助,表示自己將聽從師譚的一切安排。桃夏識破了師譚的詭計,知道他招來火鬼不過是權宜之計,目的是為了讓王打開城門,使得城門內充滿陰氣。在眾多的冤靈中,李麟看到了一個似曾相識的身影。




The watchman log episode introduces 10 Summer will Li Lin and peach Jiang Wuxi back to the inn, the wife of shop-owner very discontent, require pay three people of accommodation in the summer of peach. Affection all the time to Zhao Shangxian, wife of shop-owner hope to be able to get a response, however Zhao Shangxian attitude always cool to the wife of shop-owner, even so, the wife of shop-owner was unwilling to wait. Peach summer Jiang Wuxi injured, gauze for Jiang Wuxi wound carefully. Aside Li Lin look, also require peach summer dress for yourself, and peach summer reminds him that he didnt break Jiang Wuxi send his bottle. King for a few days ago drink and make trouble to apologize to the toffee empress, saw the king so tired eyes, toffee empress love dearly unceasingly. She took the hand of the king of the king has never been so treat mood excited again. He asked if toffee empress have any attempt to leave then left sleeve. Toffee empress gave king great shock , he began to reflect on their behavior. Teacher tan in order to let the dragon recovery, deception and the king said the city temper, need the kaesong door. The king did not listen to your teacher tan, he dumped teacher tan a box on the ear, let him dont to deceive himself. The kings behavior to provoke the teacher tan, in order to achieve a goal, teacher tan makes his gourd came to the city with fire demons. Transient time, flames, and the houses were burned. Summer of peach and Li Lin they saw the situation in the city, hurriedly rushed to the fire. In class, the king heard that the city is on fire, the house was burned down, he thought of the teacher tan panicked, disregard of all the princes, hurriedly left the court. Li Lin tracking Jiang Wuxi, found him to be the king sent undercover lurking in his side. Teacher tan the destruction of the city is still continuing, Li Lin born to investigate the secret of shahe, crushed under the fire. Crisis, peach summer track fire demons, rescued Li Lin. For niter dont explode, endanger the safety of the people in the city, she let Li Lin left with nitre. Li Lin listened to in the summer of peach, left with niter fire, just visible immediately after back looking for peach summer. Peach summer coma within the fire, and have been alone Li Lin fear of losing in the summer of peach, panic tears. See the peach is in a coma, only in the summer of Li Lin will she held out of the fire. Heard of shahe fire, king can no longer sit still, he thought it was he didnt listen to the teacher tan caused. He confessed to teacher tan, the hope can get the help of the teacher tan, said he would listen to teacher of all the arrangements for the tan. Peach summer caught teacher tans wiles, know he drew fire ghost but is expedient, the purpose is to let the king opened the gates, the gate was a Yin qi . In numerous a remake, Li Lin saw a seems to had been met.



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